Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Eamus Catuli

Was able to go to a Cubs Game last week, which gave me the opportunity to document the current year in "Cubs Time":

  • The AC stands for Anno Catuli, which is Latin (loosely) for Cubs Year. (Oh, and Eamus Catuli loosely is translated to Let's Go Cubs.)
  • The numbers are updated at the end of the baseball season so these figures are as of the end of the 2008 season.
  • The first two digits (00) are the number of years since the Cubs won their division. So "00" means they won last year. So far so good.
  • The next two digits (63) are the number of years since the Cubs won the National League. So "63" means they last won the National League in 1945.
  • The last three digits (and, yes, they had to ADD a digit last year), represent the number of years since the Cubs won the World Series. Gee, has it really been 100 years? Somewhere, Steve Goodman is still watching and singing The Dying Cubs' Fan's Last Request.

It was a Crosstown Classic (Cubs vs. White Sox) make-up game from an earlier rain-out. It was a beautiful day but, as a Cubs fan, not such a beautiful outcome (Cubs got trounced).

But Cubs fans are kind of a special breed (hey, we're still fans and they haven't won in 100 years). This is the shirt that the guy in front of me was wearing.


B SQUARED said...

You should make him a deal. The Cubs win the pennant, he gives you the shirt. Sounds good to me.

Aimz said...

You know I've never been to a baseball game, it's played here but not as much as I'[m sure it's played in your country. I do enjoy watching it on ESPN though.