Saturday, October 3, 2009

Scary Tree Gnome

Jeepers it's a Creepy Peeper!

Did you ever walk down the street, glance over and see something very unexpected? That's what happened to me. I was not expecting to see a ghostly ghoulish mask somehow embedded into a tree hollow.

But there it was. So, of course, I took a picture!


Anonymous said...

haha, where did that come from?
thats pretty funny.

VP said...

I hope it's some kind of practical joke. I love an unexpected catch, this is a very good one!

Sharon said...

Okay, that is a little frightening. You just never know what you are going to see next.

cara said...

That wouuld have scared the life out of me!

Lois said...

That is what I would have done! It's a great shot.

Hilda said...

I think I would have screamed! Eek!

Thanks so much for your good luck wishes for us!

Scrumpy said...

That is freaky!

MJ said...

Yikes! Hmm -- are you sure it was a mask...? :-) Great observation!