Caught this Killdeer in mid-squawk at
Northerly Island. Killdeer can be rather loud little birds and have an interesting way of running and then suddenly sitting down in some grass as if to say "You can't see me now that I'm not moving."

A few more pictures of Killdeer are at my birdwatching blog,
This is such an elegant little bird. Great shot with the shades of gray and the contrast between the rough rock and the soft bird feathers.
I'm glad you saw the Chicago shots. Yes, I was indeed at the Sheraton. You are really good!
He/she's lovely - great pic!
We have been getting into bird watching this summer in Mi. Very interesting and rewarding.
I don't think I've ever seen this bird before. It has very interesting markings. It does look like it has been surprised by your camera.
Great capture and lovely bird. I don't think we have those here.
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