Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Two Views of ... The Riverwalk

The work on extending the Chicago Riverwalk has been completed. So this "Two Views" is "During Construction" and "Done". I think they completed it fairly quickly (it was only March when they were still filling in the area that would be the walkway). There are plaques set in to some of the decorative boulders that discuss the tour boats, wildlife along the river, and historical events.


During Construction


Sharon said...

Wow, an amazing amount of work done in a very short time.

Kaori said...

The riverwalk looks great! Must be nice, especially in the summer.

Daily Chicago Photo said...

Yes it is nice. And they did complete it quite quickly. It's odd - some things like this and relocating the bike path under Solidarity Drive were completed in a short time. But it took over a year to build a marina office for DuSable Harbor. Go figure! ;)

Aimz said...

That is very pretty! I love the colour of the water. Thanks for your comment at my blog btw, just added your link :-)

Kate said...

I lived in Chicago for 6 years, way back when, and I still love it. The Riverwalk looks like it could draw another visit from us!
Great pair of photos.