Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Flight Patterns

Wandering around Grant Park on Monday (seeing if there was any bird migration activity and checking out the music at the Pritzker Pavilion), I saw waves of bird flocking and flying overhead. I think they are starlings; at least that's what I saw a LOT of in Grant Park. I took a few photos and found the mini patterns within the flocks interesting.

Here's a wide view of one of the waves going over.

Update: Back in July, I posted some pictures from the Outdoor Movies in Grant Park. During the Duck Soup movie showing, Chicago attempted to set the world record for most people wearing Groucho Marx glasses at the same time. Heard last night, at the LAST outdoor movie of the summer, that with 4,436 wearers Chicago does indeed now hold that record. We're so proud! ;)


  1. Something to be proud of... Not just the glasses, but this bottom photo as well.

  2. Duck Soup is my all-time fave Marx Bros. flick. "Hail, hail Fredonia...!"

    We had a huge flock of purple martins circle and gather for migration just last week outside my work. It was reminiscent of Hitchcock :-)

  3. A couple of years ago they showed The Birds at the Outdoor Movie fest. Everyone was suspiciously eyeing all the seagulls and starlings that were hanging around the park that day.
