Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wild Weather

I didn't think just setting the camera on the table and putting the shutter speed at 30 seconds would really get anything.

I hoped.

Apparently Mother Nature wasn't camera shy on Thursday night.

Here's what the storm looked like as it rolled in over Navy Pier.


  1. Amazing images! I spotted them on the home page of City Daily Photo and just had to take a closer look...

  2. DANG! That is awesome! So the shutter was open for 30 seconds. Cool! I have got to try that. This is an awesome shot! I mean, AWESOME! I wish that I could see it a little bigger.

  3. I just clicked on it and saw it at a larger size. Very cool!

  4. I love this photo of the lightning too. I've often wondered how to get good lightning shots, and will try this now. Of course you need a nice open view towards the sky. I live too far from the lake, so I didn't even get any rain (or hail, or wind).
