Sunday, March 20, 2011

One Interpretation

An interpretation of the City of Chicago Flag at a hotdog place.

Just like the actual City of Chicago Flag, the symbols on this one clearly represent the real Chicago Hotdog:
  • The three white stripes must represent the base layer of the hotdog: the Poppyseed Bun, the All-Beef Hotdog and the Mustard
  • The two blue stripes clearly represent the two special ingredients: the neon green pickle relish and the celery salt
  • The red stars - uh, I mean hotdogs - seem to represent the remaining components of the official hotdog: Chopped Raw Onion, Sport Peppers, Tomato Wedges, and a Dill Pickle

The Chicago History Museum has a good description of what the symbols on the actual Chicago Flag mean. You can click here for the link.


  1. It surely displays it many meanings.

  2. There is NO hotdog as good as a Chicago hotdog. And there are few cities as terrific as Chicago (where I sowed my wild oats!!).

  3. OK, I will try one......someday. Do we know how the Chicago dog came into being?

  4. The most important thing for a Chicago hot dog is that it has mustard but NO ketchup. I prefer to leave off the peppers and bright green relish myself.

  5. Definitely no ketchup! ;) I've heard rumors that some hot dog places don't even stock ketchup.
