Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowpocalypse, Part 1

Early on in the Blizzard of 2011, we had a Snow-nado ...

... and the traffic started getting heavy on Lake Snow Drive.

Later, a series of accidents on Lake Shore Drive between Belmont and North Avenue caused some looooonnnnng back-ups and ...

... Lake Shore Drive was eventually closed.

But I hear Puxatawney Phil the Groundhog did not see his shadow so Spring is just around the corner!


  1. I just heard this news story on the radio and now I have the pictures to go with it! Thanks and stay warm!

  2. Stay safe! These pictures are amazing.

  3. We got the snow during the night and it seems as if everyone stayed home today so no huge traffic like yours. Great shots!

  4. The groundhog did not see his shadow, which is the predictor for early spring.

    Great shots of Lake Shore Drive! I hope that's enough snow for a while.

  5. Thanks everyone for the comments. You are correct, Joanne, Puxatawney Phil did predict an early Spring since he did not see his shadow -- I fixed my typo in the text on that (Thank you!)

  6. Fantastic post. You really did a great job--the photos, the text. Wow.

  7. You're welcome. Love your photos every day.
