Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blizzard of 2011, Part III

A few more photos from the Blizzard of 2011 ... Snowlapalooza ... Snowmaggedon ... Snowpocalypse ... The Monster Storm ...

This one's not going anywhere anytime soon

This is Golf.
Well, maybe if you have those fluorescent golfballs.

Where the extra snow belongs: In the Dumpster

STOP Already ...
with these darn Blizzard Photos
(although I do wonder where the sign pole went
... Did it blow away to Michigan?)

OK. New Day! New Subject!
(Well, a few more Snowmaggedon photos may show up.
It IS going to take awhile for this stuff to melt)


  1. The foibles of winter in the city. The stop sign has had it. Looks like somebody took it literally.

  2. I'm guessing you are looking forward to Spring now. Some great winter storm photos here.

  3. I for one am enjoying your snow pictures! Brings back fond memories!
