Thursday, January 20, 2011


You can't avoid sports in Chicago now either. The Bears are going up against their long-time rivals The Green Bay Packers this Sunday at home (don't worry, the weather forecast says it will warm up to 19 degrees by then).

How do you show support for your home team? You light up your building in the team colors! Which is so much more pleasant to look at than the whole face painting thing ;)


  1. I have to agree with you on that one. Nice photo of Wrigley I believe.

  2. Lovely night shot!

  3. I used to live in Chicago; sowed my wild oats there, but I grew up in Green Bay. Divided loyalties? Nah, home is where the heart is. I witnessed and participated in the ancient rivalry since birth, and I'm too old to change now. Sorry about your loss but very happy about our win. Better luck next time, esp. if your opponent is NOT the Packers. Come by and see my blog on Monday.
