Friday, January 28, 2011

Feathered Friends: Watching the Watcher

This Cooper's Hawk, at the Magic Hedge, caught us bird-watching last Sunday. He must have been out people-watching.

Another photo of this hawk is at my Chicago birdwatching blog, which is here.


  1. That's a fantastic photo of that bird! My wife is an owl fan and has a small decorative owl collection!
    Regards from EAGAN daily photo

  2. This photo and the other one on your other site are fantastic. The expression in those big round eyes is just beautiful.

    Did you happen to hear the story about the Cooper's Hawk that somehow got into the Library of Congress? It took several days of steady work but they finally got him out unharmed this last week.

  3. Thanks for all the comments everyone! Yes, Sharon, I had seen that story about the Cooper's Hawk in the Library of Congress -- didn't know that they had finally lured it out, though. Thanks!
