Monday, November 29, 2010

Hubbard's Folly

Sometimes I think I'm the only one who ever really reads any of the little historical markers that are sprinkled all over the city. I always seem to find a new one -- even though it has been there for years and years and years. This one is by Wacker and LaSalle. Even though the building is no longer there, good old Gurdon seemed to prove the skeptics wrong. After all, there's a Hubbard Street in Chicago ... but no Skeptics Street ;)


  1. I like this kind of stuff too and will always stop and read because my curiosity gets the better of me.

  2. A "hello" from another who takes the time to visit & read & post info on Illinois markers. I appreciate that you take the time to visit and post your Chicago locations, which I find interesting to view. You can see some of what I've posted on (I post under the the ID "adgorn" and you can see all the posted IL markers at and (search on my last name "Gornik"). I have waymarked a number of Hubbard's Trail markers along Route 1 on the way south toward Danville and beyond. (Ironically your marker is in my to-do queue.) It's a fun and educational hobby. Alan Gornik

  3. That's cool. I saw a little about Hubbard's Trail when I was looking for a relevant historical link for my post. I really like historical markers. It's always easier, though, to read them when you find one walking around as opposed to driving down a highway. Although, we have done U-turns to check out those signs more than once ;)

  4. Interesting old plaque. Here in Leeds, Yorkshire we have similar markers but our scheme is much more recent. Just looked it up, ours started in 1987.
