Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Theme Day: The Color Red

Today is Theme Day on City Daily Photo. This month's theme, voted on by City Daily Photo members is The Color Red. I discovered that Chicago has a number of red icons.

Clockwise from top left
The CTA Red Line, Alexander Calder's Flamingo, The Wrigley Building with special red lighting, Alexander Calder's signature on the Flamingo, a certain restaurant with a big red tomato at the door, the CNA Building

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. I love the special Chicago style red collage! I have admired that Calder sculpture so many times when heading to the post office!

  2. I think my first visit to your blog. Terrrific red entry today. Red is my fav so I'm drooling over every photo. Bravo!

  3. That is a great collage of Theme Day pictures!

  4. Looks like somebody has painted Chicago red.

  5. As a former Chicagoite (when I was sowing my wild oats!) I think you did a great job on selecting the icons! And, weren't you clever to outline them all in red!!
