Saturday, March 13, 2010

South Chicago, Muralized

The title of this mural is "South Chicago - We All Come Together As One". It is very colorful and has elements that you would definitely notice while driving around the area (the bridges, the religious symbols, the housing styles). The mural was created by an artist named Gamaliel Ramirez, with assistance from students and residents of the neighborhood. He is also the artist that did the Sea of Flags mural in Humboldt Park that was the subject of a September post. I have to admit I'm thinking of e-mailing the artist as I am curious about one of the symbols in the mural. To the far right (next to the Native American chief) is what looks like a large stalk of asparagus with eyes and blue symbols. It HAS to mean something to area residents and I am curious as to what it really is.

(Click on photo to see an enlarged version.)


  1. What a beautiful and fun mural! And you're right about the unusual 'asparagus stalk.' I hope you find out what it is!

  2. when I designed this mural based on students' drawings submitted for this project, there was a totem pole and I fell it was relative. BTW, I enjoying the fact that you guys like my work.
