Saturday, March 20, 2010

Feathered Friends: Early Birds

I thought the saying was "The Early Bird Catches the Worm" but maybe it is "The Early Bird Catches the Slush". After a brief visit, Spring decided it wasn't ready to commit full-time to Chicago yet so winter is back (slush is falling from the sky, it's in the 30s).

But the mid-week Spring conditions did get the birds moving around a bit. Here is a pictorial summary of bird sightings this past week.

Clockwise from top left
Male House Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco, very noisy Red-Winged Blackbird, Robin, Song Sparrow, House Finch, White Throated Sparrow, Common Grackle, Female House Sparrow


  1. Sorry to hear that. It's the same where I live. We still have lots of snow and more could be on the way. Nice collage.
