Thursday, January 14, 2010

Different in the Winter

At first, I didn't recognize what these were. Then I realized they were the pylons that ring North Avenue Beach. The ice accumulates around the pylons, creating little shapes that look like floating tree stumps.


Hilda said...

Oh! Heehee. I'm glad you figured out what it was, because I would never have been able to guess from here.

Daily Chicago Photo said...

Thanks. It threw me, also, because the shoreline was snowy and frozen over so it was difficult to figure out where the beach ended and the water began.

Lois said...

They could also pass for frozen turtles!

Saretta said...

I thought they were seagulls at first! Now, where did I leave my glasses? :-)

brattcat said...

They look so "self-contained" don't they?

Aimz said...

I wouldn't have been able to figure it out...