Sunday, November 1, 2009

Theme Day: Doorways

First of the month means Theme Day on City Daily Photo. November's theme is Doorways. I have to admit I wasn't all that thrilled about the theme when it first won the voting.

But then I found this doorway. And I had a complete change of heart. Suddenly "Doorways" as a theme was wonderful. I had a fun doorway I could use! But I didn't have my camera at the time. So I had to write down the address and go back to get this picture.


Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. I like it too. Isn't it fun when we are surprised by what we find?!

  2. this is awesome. what a find. what clever owners to create this.

  3. That is just so cool! What a great Theme Day post!

  4. Great find. I'm sure Chicago has some other great doorways too.

  5. A little un-nerving to have a 'gator at the door, as well as the paper faces peering out the window! An excellent find, nonetheless.
