Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Hint of What's Coming

While I am glad this is not snow, it is something related: road salt.

A huge pile of road salt.

This one, in the East Side neighborhood, is probably one of many stashes around the city (Chicago does stockpile and can be a little selfish about its road salt). I'm glad we're prepared but I hope we don't need to use all of it!


Scrumpy said...

It felt a little wintery this morning by the lake. There was quite a bit of spray from the waves. I felt sorry for the poor little ducks.

B SQUARED said...

That stuff was one of the worst things about going thru winter in the North. Necessary but a pain.

Lois said...

Me too since I'm spending a week in your city in December and I don't want to freeze my Florida rear end off!

MJ said...

You'll need to take a photo of that exact spot next April, as a "before" and "after" winter documentary!

Aimz said...

wow thats massive!