Monday, September 21, 2009

Don't Grocery Shop When You Are Hungry

A certain organic-focused grocery store built a brand new store in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago. It opened over the summer but I hadn't visited it yet. It is so large, they give you a little map as a guide to finding your way.

There's a wine bar ...

... and a diner-style restaurant ...
There's a food court and a sushi bar as well. I got so distracted looking at all the different mini-restaurants that I forgot to buy the olive oil that I went to get.


  1. Are you sure you didn't spend too much time at the wine bar?

  2. Wow, that is quite a place. I would love to shop there.

  3. Good one B Squared. But I didn't stop at the Wine Bar. This particular store doesn't carry Michigan wine (but Green Grocer Chicago does!)

    Sharon: You need to schedule that Chicago visit soon ;)

  4. Wow--that is a big store! I would probably get lost in there.

  5. It's like being on cruise ship in the middle of suburbia!

  6. The title phrase has sound basis, but it happens every time, expecially there, if it is what I think...
