Thursday, September 17, 2009

Barbed Wire

Never really looked at barbed wire all that closely. It has a rather interesting - and I'm sure painful - pattern, especially against a blurry leafy background. This particular barbed wire surrounds a Marine Reserve Headquarters in the Albany Park neighborhood. We were exploring a section of the Chicago River in search of birds. Saw a lot of finches, some herons, and a very camera-shy Belted Kingfisher. Also saw a number of very brave kayakers. They are brave because the river is not too clean in this section.


  1. not too clean meaning "not fit for bodily contact"!

    I don't remember what the sign says by the river in Ronan Park but it says something along the lines of don't let it touch your skin!

    neat picture

  2. Never thought that barbed wire could be a photogenic subject.
