Friday, August 7, 2009

Dedicated to the Thirsty

This is a Viennese Drinking Fountain near the Water Tower. It was designed by Hans Muhr and, as the plaque near it states, it is "Dedicated to The Thirsty". It was presented to Chicago in 1998 by the City of Vienna as part of the Sister Cities program. I had walked around to the back side of the fountain, when I happened to notice that I could frame one of the double-decked tour buses through the fountain. I liked how the water spurt, coincidentally, mirrored the M in the Michigan Tourism sign on the bus. It reminded me to look at things from all the photographic angles.


  1. Hi,
    Nice fountain for thirsty people.
    Thanks for sharing. bye.

  2. I always try to frame something in something, rarely with success. You got it right, both pictures are good but the first is the funniest.
    I may have taken a photo of the original in Vienna, this is what caught my eye in your post.
