Friday, June 19, 2009

Feathered Friends: A Long Way Down

This little Black and White Warbler was in Grant Park. It was scampering up and down the tree trunk looking for dinner. It seemed like it was thinking "Uh-Oh! How did I get way up here? It's a long way down" when it looked down from this branch. At least that's what I'd be thinking.

As usual on Feathered Friends Friday, there are a few more pictures of this Black and White Warbler at my birdwatching blog.


  1. How nice! looks like chipmunk :)

  2. hard to capture a bird so close like that (before they fly away), really nice shot

  3. Thank you both. And yes, the warblers, especially are "flitters". I get a lot of pictures that have a blur of a bird's wings as it flies away ;)
