Friday, April 3, 2009

Testing 1..2..3

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the Chicago Transportation guys were testing the gates in preparation for the upcoming sailboat "bridge runs". In the Spring, there are scheduled "bridge lifts" on Saturdays and Wednesdays so the sailboats can get to their summer homes (Chicago Harbors) from their winter homes (various boatyards). The first one is Saturday April 18.

Yes, I know --it ties up traffic.
But it is really beautiful to watch the sailboats come through.


  1. I bet that is really fun to watch. Seattle has a similar doing when boating season opens---the bridges open and all the boats go through with much hoopla and such. MB

  2. Wow, fantastic shot. I'm wondering where you were to get such a great view.

    When I was living there for work, watching the boat runs was one of my favorite things to do in the spring and fall.
