Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fountains that Spit

The Crown Fountain in Millennium Park has two large screens that display several different faces in rotation. At regular intervals during the Spring, Summer, and early Fall, the faces spit water into the plaza area. On really hot days, you'll see visitors, mostly children, getting cooled off. The mouths are lined up with the water spout to give the illusion of the faces spraying water. The faces are the artist's (Jaume Plensa) modern take on the gargoyles and mythical creatures that usually spray the water in fountains.


  1. Most interesting photo. I used to live and work in Chicago and then Glenview...went to college there, too, in 1954.

    I don't remember this, but you did a great job capturing it.

    Thanks very much for stopping by Ocala DP!

  2. these fountains are my favorites. I can sit there and watch them and the people activity for an hour. Such an interesting and creative interactive artistic creation. I am glad you are enjoying the Frank Lloyd Wright series. I only have a couple more photos including Wright's personal living quarters at Taliesin West but I will break for theme day tomorrow.

  3. At least they are spitting and not doing what some other statues "do."
