Sunday, January 25, 2009

Breaking Through

Here is another shot of the James J. Versluis, an 80 foot tug
that breaks ice on the Chicago River in the winter.
I was on the bike path crossing the bridge on Lake Shore Drive
when it was starting its ice breaking work.


  1. I just happened to see the two ice breakers n the Antarctic breaking ice on television last night. They were huge ships and I guess have to be big to ram up on the ice and the sheer weight of the ship breaks the ice. this is a nice shot of this tug breaking ice on the river.

  2. That is pretty interesting. It just doesn't get that cold here to freeze up a river much less a pond or lake. It is snowing now but it's not THAT cold. MB

  3. Very interesting! I've never seen an ice breaker before.
    Please vote for the March theme, if you haven't yet. And please help spread the word too! :)

  4. Oh, brrr. What a hard working tug. It almost looks like a toy in the midst of that icefield.
