Thursday, July 16, 2009

Coming in for the Mackinac

The Chicago to Mackinac race is this weekend. This is the Coast Guard Cutter Mackinac, in Chicago to escort the racers.


b.c. said...

oh that's always a fun sight, let's hope for nice weather :)

Kate said...

I need to visit your blog often to get my "Chicago fix!" I live in Highland Park and Lincoln Park years ago when I was young and foolish and loved every minute of it. It's a beautiful city, esp. on the lake shore. And I MUST return soon to see the new addition to the Art Institute. Lucky you to live there!!! I always thought that living in a brownstone on the Near North would be perfect!! Good photo, too!

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely photo - hope you get some good ones of the race!


Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Looks like FUN! cool capture.

VP said...

Great boat in a beautiful setting, let us know more about this race.

Aimz said...

Cool photo, it almost looks like a fishing trawler